So it’s been almost an entire summer and I haven’t updated my blog with fun cool activities I’ve done over the summer. That’s because I didn’t do any fun cool activities. This summer I worked two jobs. My weekly schedule was pretty much go to work, church, and the gym. That’s how it is sometimes. We don’t talk too much about that. Instagram only shows highlights, but it doesn’t always show the grind. Not only did I work two jobs this summer, I worked on my jewelry store, held my annual Rose Buds Program for a camp in Charlotte, I decided to make a lifestyle change, and I reinstated my health and wellness business. And to finish it all I am preparing for the next season in my life. So it was busy to say the least. All summer I grinded. I mean Beyoncé said to grind until I own so that’s my goal.
So basically this summer I didn’t do anything other than work on my goals which isn’t bad, but you know everyone wants to both. In my head, I had planned all of these great things to do during the summer from the beach to Top Golf trips every other week. And that just wasn’t realistic with my schedule. And you know what that’s okay. Sometimes things happen and you don’t end up doing things you planned. I have big goals that I want to accomplish, therefore I must work until I accomplish them. As a planner though, when things don’t go exactly as planned it is very difficult for me to grasp. I’m working on it. I’ve decided to completely put my faith in God and it eases my anxieties and worries completely.
The biggest lesson I have learned through this season is to fully put my faith in God. I hadn’t always done that. Like I said I am a planner, so it took a while for me to fully grasp this. God’s plan for my life is better than anything I could ever imagine. That’s one of the things that led me to where I am today. Even when I thought it was over, God had something much better. About 2 weeks ago my pastor, Steven Furtick from Elevation the church I go to while in Charlotte, preached about Paul receiving a no from God when he was sure God told him to go a certain route. I felt like Paul for a little bit. (The name of the sermon was "It's a no go" you can find it on youtube under Elevation Church.) It was a practical one that challenged me. Even when you receive a no from God that deviates from the plan, will you still trust Him? That’s the million-dollar question. That’s also the difference between stressing and freaking out about a situation and walking around like, not like its perfect, but with peace. At the beginning of the summer, things didn't workout the way I wanted them too or planned and it was devastating. But I decided to trust God. It was hard. I cried a lot. I listened to music to distract my mind from negative thoughts. Once I finally got the concept, a huge burden was lifted off of my shoulders. I felt so much peace I didn't worry anymore. Trust God. Choose peace. I promise you peace is better.
So this leads up to where I am in my life right now. For those that don’t know, I am excited to say that I will be moving to Virginia Beach to start a new season in my life. I can’t wait to explore this new city. I’ve only been there once to tour my school so I don’t really know what to expect. It’s near a beach so that’s exciting, but not sure what else is there. I will try my hardest to be more diligent about posting on the Instagram and the blog. Like I have said many times before I really want to share the world the with everyone so one day you will travel too. I also have some things planned ahead of all of my faithful readers.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blogs and stuck with me for so long. I hope this new season brings new readers as I have a lot of great things coming up. So stay tuned.