Truth seems so elusive and hard to find nowadays. I remember having the discussion with some friends in undergrad. As a group they collectively came up with the idea that truth is relative. We just go by what society says is okay. I didn’t agree. That didn’t make sense to me. Society at one point said slavery was okay. Society at one point said the extermination of Jews was okay. I couldn’t accept that belief. I knew it wasn’t true. In my high school we took an Apologetics and Logic course. It was my one of the most influential classes I took. I have used the concepts I learned in this class considerably more than my pre-calc class. In today’s context truth is hard. We gotten so far from defining and understanding what is true. The truth sometimes hurts us. The truth is sometimes something we don’t want to hear. In todays society it feels like we sometimes mute ourselves from the truth.
Truth doesn’t change. It can’t change. How do you determine truth? There must be some standard that’s unchanging. As a Christian I believe that is the Bible. Our standard of truth comes from the Bible. It’s an unchanging document divinely inspired by God.
I started writing this post last Saturday and amazingly in church that next day you’ll never guess the topic: Truth. It was even more confirmation that this posted needed to be made. I didn’t want this blog to be a “Christian blog” in the sense that I am just put in that box. I wanted to talk about many topics which I do, but when you have a Christian worldview you see the world through the lenses of the Bible. That means hey maybe all these blog post will have a Christian spin. And that’s okay. I hope you continue to read.
Tomorrow I am getting on an airplane to head to this year’s March for Life. The issue of life is not something to take lightly. It’s important. In my personal opinion, I believe it is the most important issue. I believe protecting life is the most important issue because it affects every other issue. What I mean is if we don’t define what life is and why we should care then rest of the constitution is completely pointless. I believe everyone deserves dignity. When I say everyone, I mean everyone from the moment to conception to the moment that person takes their last breath.
We women are so special. We are different from the men, but we are equal in value. We can do amazing things. We are given one of best jobs ever. We can carry life. I one day would love to be able to do. When I think about women and all that we are capable of- I mean man- we are amazing we are superheroes. We truly can do anything. One of my biggest problems is with abortion clients and organizations like planned parenthood is that they tell women they are unable to do things with a baby. Recently, a celebrity mentioned her abortions- the death of her children- was the reason she was able to receive that award. One of the most heartbreaking parts of this speech was she was currently pregnant saying this. The entire speech was just incredibly sad.
I want to add this. I have no intention in shaming those who have made the decision to have an abortion. I personally have never been in that position. I can not imagine being in that position. This post is about the concept. It’s about the truth. Like previously mentioned the truth can be uncomfortable. It can be upsetting. But that doesn’t change that it is the truth. If you find yourself needing healing from making that decision the best person to run to God. The only person who can heal you and offer true forgiveness is God. Head over to your local Pregnancy Resource Center or tell someone trusted at church.
Lastly, amazing woman reading this you can do ANYTHING through Christ strength. (Philippians 4:13) God turns everything around to the good for those who love God. (Romans 8: 28) So if you find yourself in a less than ideal situation you remember you CAN DO IT. Organizations and people will tell you that you weak and can’t do it, but I want you to know you can. If you need help, find your local Pregnancy Resource Center or talk to someone at your church. We need community. Find your community to help and uplift you during this time. There are people out there who love you and want to wrap their arms around you. One of things you must learn is that you owe it yourself and your child. You CAN DO IT.
Well this is more of lastly, those of us who are prolife let’s put our money and hands and feet where our mouth is. It’s not enough to just talk about it on Facebook and Instagram. We MUST all do something. There are so many things we can do just to name a few: donate diapers to you local CPC, provide dinner for a foster family, give money to an adoption fund, offer to baby sit for a single mother, volunteer at a CPC, or volunteer a children’s home. I got these from a graphic that I show below. So my fellow sister reading this lets get away from our laptops and stand up and for the truth!