I’ve need to share this with everyone for such a long time. I just hadn’t really had the time to sit down and write this post. I needed to share this with everyone because this book was truly impactful for me. During the quarantine I decided I didn’t want to squander this time. I asked many different friends to read it with me, but I couldn’t someone. I waited a little longer thinking maybe I would find a friend I could read and discuss this with me, but I decided to go ahead and read it because I wanted to make some changes in my life and I felt this book could help.
So She Factor was written about Heidi Ganahl. I discovered this book almost a year ago when I heard Heidi speak at a women’s conference I was attending. What truly spoke to me was that she was a wife, mother, business owner, and held a political position. She was literally everything I wanted to be in the future. I love hearing from amazing women like this. Women who “do it all”. (I fully believe being a woman is a blessing. We are so amazing and capable of doing so much especially when we are walking in God’s will for our life). When I saw that in her description. I made it a point to hear her speak. I heard her session and knew I had to read it.
Okay so now to the book.
I highly recommend this book for my fellow twenty- somethings out there. She mentioned that she wrote this to help us twenty- year olds navigate the world after college and show us how we live our best lives. This was the best thing for me to read during the pandemic. She Factor can really be split into two sections: Silhouettes and Spheres. Silhouettes are basically personality tests. And there are 7 of them. And I know what you’re thinking, “ugh another personality test. I’m so over these I am a 1.2.3. ABCD” (haha get the joke), but seriously I really like these. This test felt different from the others because once you finished the test and discovered your Silhouette you learned how knowing your strengths help you go about chasing your dreams. Another added bonus was the how does this affect the relationships around you professional and fun? Discovering your Silhouette led to what was the most beneficial part to me was mind mapping. This was really beneficial for me. She laid out how to do it. I will let you get the book and have her explain it to you. The second half is about Spheres. These are 9 aspects of life. The book discusses all nine of them and their importance in depth. The one of the impacted me one the most was Fashion. Not just because I like to dress nice, but because of the extra step she took to address your style. How you dress affects how people perceive you. So what image are you trying to portray not just for your friends and on Instagram, but in the work place as well. It’s been something I have truly been thinking about every since I read that chapter. I highlighted, underlined, scribbled all throughout the book. Once I finished the book, I felt I genuinely had a better grasp at my future. My life isn’t automatically better like we all sometimes want these things to turn out. But I had a mindset shift and most importantly I have a written plan of action to achieve my goals. That last sentence is 100% why I would I recommend the book to every 20 something year old woman.
Lastly, I want to say, She Factor is more than just a book. They have an app, podcast, blog, membership site, and they do zoom informational meetings about various topics. The entire brand is literally just there to help us young women reach our goals and live a life that we love. You should check out their website www.theshefactor.com and follow them on Instagram @theshefactor you won’t regret it.
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